Odoch, HojopsNangoli, Sudi2022-01-142022-01-142014Odoch, H., & Nangoli, S. (2014). The effect of organizational commitment on job satisfaction in Uganda Colleges of Commerce. Journal Issues ISSN, 2350, 157X. http://dx.doi.org/10.15739/IBME.2014.0032350-157Xhttps://nru.uncst.go.ug/xmlui/handle/123456789/1299The researcher was inspired to carry out the research because stakeholders often question why performance in Uganda Colleges of Commerce (UCCs) is low. The main aim of the research was to explain the relationship of competence, reward system, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and OCB in UCCs. The specific objective of this research was to explain the effects of organizational commitment of job satisfaction. The respondents of the study included lecturing staff and administrative staff. The structured questionnaires were used to gather information on the relationship between the variables under study. The library search was done through reading textbooks, dissertations, newspapers, policy instruments and internet and was used for compiling introduction of the study and literature review. The processed data was analyzed quantitatively through statistical package for social scientists (SPSS).The findings indicated that job satisfaction relates positively with organizational commitment in UCCs and the regression analysis indicated that job satisfaction and organizational commitment influence OCB by 53.5% in UCCs. The researcher recommended that UCCs should encourage and support its staff to improve on their competence, improve on its reward system and make all staff access the government payroll and strengthen its promotion practices to allow for regular promotion.enOrganizational commitment, job satisfaction, Uganda, commerce.The effect of organizational commitment on job satisfaction in Uganda Colleges of CommerceArticle