Rooks, GerritKlyver, KimSserwanga, Arthur2022-12-182022-12-182016Rooks, G., Klyver, K., & Sserwanga, A. (2016). The context of social capital: A comparison of rural and urban entrepreneurs in Uganda. Entrepreneurship theory and Practice, 40(1), 111-130. DOI: 10.1111/etap.1210710.1111/etap.12107 network theory states that social networks are a form of capital because they provide access to resources. In this article, we propose that network effects differ between collectivistic and individualistic contexts. In a collectivistic context, resource sharing will be “value based.” It is expected that members of a group support each other and share resources. In contrast, in an individualistic context, resource sharing will be more often based on reciprocity and trust. Hence, we hypothesized that networks will be more beneficial in individual contexts compared with collectivistic context. We found partial support for our hypotheses.enSocial CapitalRural and Urban EntrepreneursUgandaThe Context of Social Capital: A Comparison of Rural and Urban Entrepreneurs in UgandaArticle