Muhwezi, MosesMutebi, HenrySsekajja Mayanja, SamuelTukamuhabwa, BenjaminNamagembe, SheilaKalema, Robert2023-11-222023-11-222023Muhwezi, M., Mutebi, H., Mayanja, S. S., Tukamuhabwa, B., Namagembe, S., & Kalema, R. (2023). Information integration, procurement internal controls, material and purchasing procedure standardization and procurement performance in humanitarian organizations. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management. DOI 10.1108/JHLSCM-11-2021-011510.1108/JHLSCM-11-2021-0115 – Procuring relief products and services is a challenging process for humanitarian organizations (HOs), yet it accounts for approximately 65% of relief operations’ costs (Moshtari et al., 2021). This paper aims to examine how procurement internal controls, materials and purchasing procedure standardization influence information integration and procurement performance. Design/methodology/approach – In this study, partial least square structural equation models and multigroup analysis were used to analyze data collected from 170 HOs. Findings – Procurement internal controls and material and purchasing procedure standardization fully mediate between information integration and procurement performance. Research limitations/implications – The study focuses only on HOs. Since humanitarian procurement projects take place over a period of several years, it is difficult to capture the long-term effects of information integration, procurement internal controls, material and purchasing procedure standardization and procurement performance. In this regard, a longitudinal study could be undertaken, provided that the required resources are available. Practical implications – Procurement managers should implement information integration practices within acceptable procurement internal controls and standardize material and purchasing procedures to boost procurement performance. Originality/value – By integrating information through procurement internal controls and standardizing material and purchasing procedures, procurement performance in a humanitarian setting can be systematically optimized.enInformation integrationProcurement internal controlsMaterial and purchasing procedure standardizationProcurement performanceHumanitarian organizationInformation integration, procurement internal controls, material and purchasing procedure standardization and procurement performance in humanitarian organizationsArticle