Mabunda Baluku, MartinErik Schummer, SteffenLöser, DorotheeOtto, Kathleen2022-12-272022-12-272019Baluku, M. M., Schummer, S. E., Löser, D., & Otto, K. (2019). The role of selection and socialization processes in career mobility: explaining expatriation and entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 19(2), 313-333. “traditional career,” staying for the entirety of one’s work life in a single occupation, is disappearing; the current career environment demands increasing flexibility and mobility. Research indicates that there are individual differences between mobile and non-mobile people. On the basis of selection (career orientation and competition orientation) and socialization (course and length of study) processes, this study examines the intentions of university students to expatriate or become self-employed as alternatives to traditional employment. The findings reveal that entrepreneurial intentions are predominantly a function of selection processes, while expatriation intentions are a function of both selection and socialization processes.enCareer mobilityEntrepreneurial intentionsExpatriationThe role of selection and socialization processes in career mobility: explaining expatriation and entrepreneurial intentionsArticle