Magara, Elisam2021-12-062021-12-062010Magara E. Politics in the indigenization of library and information services: The way forward for East Africa. Information Development. 2010;26(1):47-56. doi:10.1177/0266666909358302 paper puts forward a case for the indigenization of LIS in the East African region. The paper recognizes that the politics of LIS in East African Region is influenced by both the global developments, agendas and goals in LIS (including World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and IFLA), and the political and socio-economic environment of the indigenous society. This article emphasizes the need for the LIS profession to redefine itself in addressing the global needs in a knowledge society. This requires international cooperation and networking and a well defined educational, research and development programme. For this to work within the East African economic and political blocks requires that a supportive environment is nurtured by the East African Community and the member countries.enlibrary and information services, indigenization, contextualization, politics, professional associations, cooperation, East AfricaPolitics in the indigenization of library and information services: The way forward for East AfricaArticle