Kiggundu, NicholasDdungu, Stanley PeterWanyama, JoshuaCherotich, SamMpairwe, DenisZziwa, EmmanuelMutebi, FaizalFalcucci, Alessandra2022-12-262022-12-262019Kiggundu, N., Ddungu, S. P., Wanyama, J., Cherotich, S., Mpairwe, D., Zziwa, E., ... & Falcucci, A. (2019). Greenhouse gas emissions from Uganda's cattle corridor farming systems. Agricultural systems, 176, 102649. objective of this study was to estimate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from practised cattle farming systems (Stall, Semi-Intensive, Grazing, Tethering and Scavenging) and identify potential areas for GHG mitigation. Using the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM-i), GHG emissions in 2016 were 2009 Gg CO2-eq/yr of which the Grazing system contributed 88.5%. Enteric fermentation produced about 75.8% of the total GHG emissions. At an annual growth rate of 3%, the projected GHG for 2020 and 2025 would increase by 12.6% and 30.7% respectively. The milk and meat emission intensities were far higher than the global averages. A reduction in grazing by 10% and a 10% increase in use of anaerobic digesters to handle manure resulted in a 4.4% reduction in annual GHG emission.enGreenhouse gasesEmissionGLEAM-iCattle farming systemsManure managementGreenhouse gas emissions from Uganda's cattle corridor farming systemsArticle