Brunie, AureĀ“lieWamala-Mucheri, PatriciaOtterness, ConradAkol, AngelaChen, MarioBufumbo, LeonardWeaver, Mark2022-01-202022-01-202014Brunie A, Wamala-Mucheri P, Otterness C, Akol A, Chen M, Bufumbo L, et al. Keeping community health workers in Uganda motivated: key challenges, facilitators, and preferred program inputs. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2014;2(1):103-116. GHSP-D-13-00140 GHSP-D-13-00140 the face of global health worker shortages, community health workers (CHWs) are an important health care delivery strategy for underserved populations. In Uganda, community-based programs often use volunteer CHWs to extend services, including family planning, in rural areas. This study examined factors related to CHW motivation and level of activity in 3 family planning programs in Uganda. Methods: Data were collected between July and August 2011, and sources comprised 183 surveys with active CHWs, in-depth interviews (IDIs) with 43 active CHWs and 5 former CHWs, and service statistics records. Surveys included a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to elicit CHW preferences for selected program inputs.enCommunity health workersUgandaFacilitatorsKeeping community health workers in Uganda motivated: key challenges, facilitators, and preferred program inputsArticle