Muhumuza, BenonNangoli, Sudi2022-12-282022-12-282019Muhumuza, B., & Nangoli, S. (2019). Revisiting the potential of human capital development to predict commitment: an empirical approach. Industrial and Commercial Training. DOI 10.1108/ICT-11-2018-009410.1108/ICT-11-2018-0094 purpose of this paper is to revisit the potential of human capital development to predict commitment from an empirical perspective. This followed the fact that while organisations continue to invest a lot of resources into development of their human capital, a growing tendency of the trained staff to quickly abandon the organisation and move on to search for greener pastures has also been registered. Design/methodology/approach – This study takes a positivistic approach. It is an explanatory, cross-sectional study that is based on a case study approach. Findings – The findings revealed that developing human resources still leads to enhanced commitment among staff. The findings provide empirical support for the tenets of the human capital development theory. Research limitations/implications – Investment in development of human resources is still a worthy while cause for organisations as it positively and significantly contributes to commitment. Practical implications – While organisations ought to keep watch of the costs that come with human capital development endeavours the practice of developing human resources should be continued as it contributes to the organisational performance of staff. Originality/value – The paper deepens the understanding on how human capital development is currently enhancing the commitment of organisational staff in a typical developing economy and sector. Such knowledge provides a clear basis for allocating resources on people development endeavours.enCompetitive advantageCommitmentHuman capital developmentRevisiting the potential of human capital development to predict commitment: an empirical approachArticle