Kitara, David LagoroBwangamoi, Paul OkotWabinga, HenryOdida, Michael2023-02-282023-02-282015Kitara, D. L., Bwangamoi, P. O., Wabinga, H., & Odida, M. (2015). Determinants of Primary Pyomyositis in Northern Uganda. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 7(4), 299-308.2231-0614 describe the determinants of primary pyomyositis in Northern Uganda.Study Design and Setting: A case-control and a cohort study designs were conducted in Hospitals in Northern Uganda. Primary pyomyositis patients were consecutively recruited and followed to discharge. Controls had minor trauma and were age and sex matched with cases. Patients were admitted, investigated (clinical features, imaging, hematology, clinical chemistry and histology from muscle biopsy); managed surgically and followed up to discharge. Those that did not meet the inclusion criteria for diagnosis histologically were excluded. Ethical approval was obtained from Gulu University IRB.enDeterminantsPrimary PyomyositisDeterminants of Primary Pyomyositis in Northern UgandaArticle