Sommerfeldt, NelsonMuyingo, HenryKlintberg, Tord af2023-02-142023-02-142016Sommerfeldt, N., Muyingo, H., & af Klintberg, T. (2016). Photovoltaic systems for swedish prosumers: A technical and economic analysis focused on cooperative multi-family housing.978-91-7595-936-8 report is designed to be a comprehensive information resource for Swedish prosumers considering an investment in solar PV systems. The target audience are multi-family cooperative houses, however much of the information is applicable to other building owners and solar energy more broadly. The primary question to be answered; is a rooftop PV investment profitable in Sweden? Naturally there are many variables that can affect the answer; therefore a Monte Carlo methodology is used to convert the uncertainties into risks, where the results can be presented as probabilities rather than a vast collection of sensitivity analyses. Several policy scenarios are tested, where the relative impact of each current program on profitability can be seen.enSolar PVprosumertechno-economicPhotovoltaic Systems for Swedish Prosumers A technical and economic analysis focused on cooperative multi-family housingBook