Kaggwa, Mark MohanMuwanguzi, MosesNduhuura, ElicanaKajjimu, JonathanArinaitwe, InnocentKule, MosesNajjuka, Sarah MariaRukundo, Godfrey Zari2022-06-212022-06-212021Kaggwa, M. M., Muwanguzi, M., Nduhuura, E., Kajjimu, J., Arinaitwe, I., Kule, M., ... & Rukundo, G. Z. (2021). Suicide among Ugandan university students: evidence from media reports for 2010–2020. BJPsych international, 18(3), 63-67.https://doi.org/10.1192/bji.2021.13https://nru.uncst.go.ug/handle/123456789/4039University students are in transition to adulthood and face multiple challenges that may lead to suicide. They are reported to have a higher risk of suicide by the World Health Organization. As there is no national suicide database in Uganda, we analysed student suicide using the press/media reports of suicides published between 2010 and 2020. A total of deaths by 23 suicide were identified: 19 were males, relationship problems were the main suicide reason (n = 6) and hanging was the most frequently used suicide method (n = 7). A strategic intervention to tackle suicide risk among university students is warranted.enSuicide, media reporting suicide, university students, youth .studentsSuicide among Ugandan University Students: Evidence from Media Reports for 2010–2020Article