Economic Policy Research Centre2021-12-262021-12-262020 of gendered energy statistics is critical to guide decision makers and practitioners in the gender-responsive policy making and implementation at both national and sub-national levels. However, during the implementation of SDG 7 on “access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” in Uganda, we observe key gender statistics gaps in: (a) access to electricity, (b) regional progress in use of electricity for lighting, (c) developments in Uganda’s lighting systems, and (d) cooking energy, which are likely to impede the country’s achievement of equal access to energy and reporting on SDG 5 “leave no one behind”. There is need to include systematic gender disaggregated data collection and analysis as part of programming for the energy sub-sector. There is need to build capacity on integration of energy gender statistics in survey tools.enWill the lack of gender disaggregated statistics affect the attainment of energy SDGs in Uganda?