Braber, Harmen denvan de Ven, GerrieDescheemaeker, KatrienRietveld, AnneTaulya, GodfreyKubiriba, Jerome2022-05-272022-05-272021den Braber, H., van de Ven, G., Descheemaeker, K., Rietveld, A., Taulya, G., & Kubiriba, J. (2021). Multidisciplinary messages on Matooke. rich body of knowledge has been generated on banana-based systems in West and South-West Uganda. Multiple people from various organizations are studying these farming systems from a wide diversity of perspectives. Key players in this research are NARO, IITA, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and several chair groups at Wageningen University and Research. The Matooke symposium brought together people and organizations currently working on banana-based systems in West and South-West Uganda. The interactive and multi-disciplinary symposium aimed to foster collaboration and enable participating researchers to learn from each other’s’ insights and perspectives, discuss state of the art knowledge and identify the most pressing knowledge gaps. This requires distilling and sharing key lessons from our past and ongoing research, both from a scientific and practical point of view. The main purposes of the symposium were to share research findings, identify knowledge gaps and explore possibilities for collaborative research to improve the sustainability and productivity of banana-based systems in West and South-West Uganda, as learning sites from which generic findings can be adapted and applied in banana agro-ecologies in the wider banana-based cropping systems in the Great Lakes region of Africa.enMultidisciplinaryMessagesMatookeMultidisciplinary Messages on MatookeArticle