Nyanzi, Stella2022-05-272022-05-272010Nyanzi, S. (2010). Ghettoisation, Migration or Sexual Connection? Negotiating Survival among Gambian Male Youths. In The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty. Edward Elgar Publishing.https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781848443341/9781848443341.00043.xmlhttps://nru.uncst.go.ug/handle/123456789/3534In The Gambia, successful livelihoods among youths are challenged by unemployment, underemployment, low employability due to limited skills, early school drop- out, high infl ation rates and fl edging groundnut prices (DoSFEA, 2006: 24; Heintz et al., 2008: 23–9; Jones and Chant, 2009). Important national policy frameworks such as the National Youth Policy 1998–2008 and Poverty Reduction Strategy 2007–2011 highlight the signifi cance of youth unemployment to national development. In communities, adults and elders complain about contemporary young people suff ering from delayed maturity and its disadvantages. Struggling against the current, youths either succumb to apocalyptic pronouncements of a cursed generation, or innovatively resist this marginalisation.enGhettoisationmigrationGambian male youthsGhettoisation, migration or sexual connection? Negotiating survival among Gambian male youthsArticle