Baryamureeba, VenansiusSteihaug, TrondEl Ghami, Mohamed2022-07-172022-07-172018Baryamureeba, V., Steihaug, T., & El Ghami, M. (2018). A REVIEW OF TERMINATION RULES OF AN INEXACT PRIMAL-DUAL INTERIOR POINT METHOD FOR LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS. Investigación Operacional, 39(3), 480-494. this paper we apply the Inexact Newton theory on the perturbed KKT-conditions that are derived from the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions for the standard linear optimization problem. We discuss different formulations and accuracy requirements for the linear systems and show global convergence properties of the method.enGlobal convergenceInexact search directionInfeasible interior point algorithmLinear optimizationPrimal-dualA Review of Termination Rules of an Inexact Primal-Dual Interior Point Method for Linear Programming ProblemsBook chapter