Byakagaba, PatrickNaturind, Zerubabeeli2022-12-112022-12-112020 is a landlocked country located within the East African region lying between latitudes 4°N and 2°S, and longitudes 29° and 35°E. The average altitude is about 1,100 metres above sea level, sloping very steadily downwards to the Sudanese Plain to the north. It has got a varied but modified equatorial climate. The UNDP Human Development Report of 2018 indicated that Uganda’s human development index is 0.516 (UNDP, 2018). The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Uganda was last recorded at 799 US dollars in 2018 with GDP growth in financial year 2018/2019 registered at 6.5% (GoU, 2018). Agriculture remains the main source of livelihoods for over 68.9% of the population (NPA, 2020). Approximately 90 percent of Uganda’s energy needs is generated from biomass, mostly dominated by firewood and charcoal which remain the primary energy source for most sectors of the economy apart from transport and service sector. It is worth noting that Uganda’s energy consumption is steadily increasing rapidly. The demand for electricity is growing annually at 10% while that of charcoal at 16.5% (Egeru et al. 2014) and firewood at 2.5-3% (Bamwesigye et al. 2017). The country continues to rely on electricity generated from hydropower sources with installed capacity at 932.45 MW while that of solar remains at 50.83MW (ERA, 2018).enStock Take Report of Uganda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCS) and NDC Partnership Plan ImplementationTechnical Report